The Basic Skills of a Good Bible Study Leader

The Basic Skills of a Good Bible Study Leader

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (NIV; 2 Tim 3:16-17) Every Christian can become a good Bible study leader, but...
Varieties of Suffering in the Clinical Setting: Re-envisioning Mental Health Beyond the Medical Model

A Song of Hope

Sing me a song of hopeOf stars shining brightIn my darkest nightNo one sees my tearsNo one knows my fears Carry me away my friendWith your music divineTo the land of sunshineAnd the blue skyWhere we freely fly I can sing of hope and loveOne moment of beauty...
What is the Meaning of Life?

What is the Meaning of Life?

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE when you are confined to a room or a bed and struggling with every breath? . What is the point of living, when so many people are dying and you may not see another sunrise? . Is life nothing more than just breathing? More than mere feeding...
A Relativity Theory of Sustainable Wellbeing

A Relativity Theory of Sustainable Wellbeing

Abstract My presentation is to offer an alternative approach to mental health. My relativity theory of sustainable wellbeing posits that under conditions of high degree of suffering, our existential wellbeing is relative to our decision to activate the spiritual...
Varieties of Suffering in the Clinical Setting: Re-envisioning Mental Health Beyond the Medical Model

Hope Keeps us Moving Forward

Ever since being discharged from the hospital three days ago (Feb 20, 2023), my mind could not help but marvel at the wonderful capacity to hope and dream in times of great danger and suffering.             I am able to pen this article this morning (Feb 23, 2023)...
Founder’s Vision and Sorrow

Founder’s Vision and Sorrow

This President’s Annual Report was part of the International Network on Personal Meaning’s (INPM) official Board of Directors’ report for the 2022 Annual General Meeting. The full report could be accessed here. I am grateful that I have survived a...
The Meaning of Love and Its Bittersweet Nature

The Meaning of Love and Its Bittersweet Nature

Abstract Love is the core of human experience and central to our meaning in life and wellbeing, yet it is also a complex concept full of ambiguity and contradiction. The main purpose of this paper is fourfold: Firstly, we want to clarify questions such as “What is the...
A Night Singer

A Night Singer

I used to love Chopin’s nocturnes, And Paganini’s Romance, believing The night is made for lovers. . But now I am a night singer Singing alone with my tired voice For all the sad and weary souls. . The owls are sound asleep, The nightingales are silent, But I will not...