Meaning Therapy and the Toronto Van Attack

Meaning Therapy and the Toronto Van Attack

President’s Column for the Positive Living Newsletter (May 2018). Read the rest of the newsletter here. On May 6, I did a one-hour interview at the Fairchild TV Studio in Richmond Hill, Ontario, for their program Leisure Talk (大城小聚), which features special...
Two-Factor Theory of Search for Meaning

Two-Factor Theory of Search for Meaning

unsplash-logoNikita Andreev When life goes on smoothly and everything is simple, there seems to be no need to wrestle with existential concerns. Most people are happy to live their simple but shallow lives, revolving around “eat, drink, work, and be happy.”...
Four-Factor Theory of True Grit

Four-Factor Theory of True Grit

unsplash-logoChen Hu “True grit is an unbreakable rope made of many strands: courage, faith, passion, and persistence.” — Dr. Paul T. P. Wong The dictionary defines grit as courage and resolve or strength of character. According to Perlis (2013), courage is also the...
Meaning Conference 2018

Meaning Conference 2018

Join researchers and practitioners from over 30 countries at the 2018 Meaning Conference, a “big tent” gathering known for its inclusivity, integration, and innovation in meaning research and its applications since 2000. See for yourself why many—including luminaries...
A Time for Reflection (by Homaira Kabir)

A Time for Reflection (by Homaira Kabir)

Submitted by Homaira Kabir for the Positive Living Newsletter (January 2018). Read the rest of the newsletter here. Photo by Pepe Reyes on Unsplash A New Year is a time for reflection. We look back at the year that was—with or without regrets—and we make plans for the...
A Time for Reflection (by Homaira Kabir)

Featured Member: Don Laird

Submitted by Don Laird for the Positive Living Newsletter (January 2018). Read the rest of the newsletter here. Have you ever stumbled upon the hidden meaning of the universe? Me neither, but I’ll keep searching as I’m certain you will too. In the meantime, what...