Brief Meaning Therapy for All Mental Health Workers

Brief Meaning Therapy for All Mental Health Workers

unsplash-logoMichael Browning What are the immediate results or benefits from practicing Meaning Therapy only in a few sessions? 1. You establish a trusting relationship as someone who really cares about your clients, understands their struggles, and points them to...
How Do I Overcome Adversity?

How Do I Overcome Adversity?

unsplash-logoGene Devine .The most powerful force you can control is your own outlook on life. Therefore, you must equip yourself with the right attitude or mindset. As Kahlil Gibran has said, “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you, as by the...
Learned Helplessness or Learned Resourcefulness?

Learned Helplessness or Learned Resourcefulness?

unsplash-logoArisa Chattasa Learned helplessness or learned resourcefulness? It primarily depends on one’s upbringing or prior training. When Marty Seligman and Steve Maier were doing research on learned helplessness, Abram Amsel and I did a number of important...
How to Be Your Best by Making the Most Use of Your Time

How to Be Your Best by Making the Most Use of Your Time

unsplash-logoHeather Zabriskie We all have 24 hours. The main difference between winners and losers is how they make the most use of their available time. Some use it to improve themselves and do what matters to them; others simply waste it in seeking comfort and...
The Positive Psychology of Humility

The Positive Psychology of Humility

unsplash-logoThao Le Hoang The benefit and significance of humility as a virtue has been emphasized in positive psychology for a long time (Wright et al., 2016; Wong, 2003). Humility is a virtue worth having for everyone. Yet, positive psychologists are known to score...
You Can Turn Shame into Pride and Wellbeing through Meaning Therapy

You Can Turn Shame into Pride and Wellbeing through Meaning Therapy

unsplash-logoSylwia Bartyzel Shame is a huge but ignored factor in wellbeing research. In an increasingly impersonal digital society, the problem with shame becomes even greater. A wide range of disorders and self-sabotaging behaviours, from addiction to aggression,...
12 Keys to Entrepreneurial Success

12 Keys to Entrepreneurial Success

unsplash-logoSylwia Bartyzel Not everyone chooses to be an entrepreneur. However, given today’s job situation, more and more people, especially young people fresh from college, have to strike out on their own to make a living and an impact on society. To be...
Let Your Vulnerability be Your Strength

Let Your Vulnerability be Your Strength

President’s Column for the Positive Living Newsletter (March 2019). Read the rest of the newsletter here. Are you worried about being vulnerable? “Vulnerability” is derived from the Latin word vulnerare (to be wounded); it describes the potential to be injured...