Meaning Therapy

Dr. Paul Wong

The Human Quest for Meaning (2nd Ed.)

The first edition of The Human Quest for Meaning was a major publication on the empirical research of meaning in life and its vital role in well-being, resilience, and psychotherapy. This new edition continues that quest and seeks to answer the questions, what is the...

Giving Positive Psychology Away

Giving Positive Psychology Away

George A. Miller, in his 1969 APA Presidential Address advocated his vision of giving psychology away to the public as a means of promoting human welfare. He emphasized that psychologists have the responsibility to distill and disseminate research findings to educate...

Meaning-Centred Counselling

Meaning-Centred Counselling

Note This is a slightly modified version from the original chapter in Wong, P. T. P. (1998). Meaning-centred counseling. In P. T. P. Wong & P. S. Fry (Eds.), The human quest for meaning: A handbook of psychological research and clinical applications (1st ed., pp....

From Multicultural Competency to International Psychology

From Multicultural Competency to International Psychology

Case Incidents in Counseling for International Transitions By Nancy Arthur and Paul Pedersen (Eds.) Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association, 2008. 334 pp. ISBN 978-1-55620-269-8 $59.95 Reviewed by Paul T. P. Wong My immediate reaction after reading through...

Narrative Practice and Meaning-Centered Positive Psychotherapy

Narrative Practice and Meaning-Centered Positive Psychotherapy

Maps of Narrative Practice By Michael White New York, NY: Norton, 2007. 304 pp. ISBN 978-0-393-70516-4 $25.95 Reviewed by Paul T. P. Wong Michael White has become synonymous with narrative therapy in the same way Kleenex became synonymous with facial tissue. His...

Meaning Management Theory and Death Acceptance

Meaning Management Theory and Death Acceptance

Introduction Imagine yourself on board a train, which is out of control and doomed to end in a fatal crash. Nothing can be done to slow it down or to change the track. Worse still, there is no exit—no one can get out of the train. As a passenger, how would you...


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