Meaning Therapy

Dr. Paul Wong
A Decade of Meaning: Past, Present, and Future

A Decade of Meaning: Past, Present, and Future

  Since the International Network on Personal Meaning's (INPM) first International Meaning Conference in 2000, INPM has continued to pursue the same path of seeking an integrative and comprehensive understanding of meaning, given the profound complexity of this...

Existential Positive Psychology

This article will be published in: Wong, P. T. P. (in press). Existential positive psychology. In S. Lopez (Ed.), Encyclopedia of positive psychology (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell. Abstract: Existential psychology is about human existence and the human drama...

Meaning Therapy: Assessments and Interventions

Meaning Therapy: Assessments and Interventions

Abstract This paper introduces meaning therapy (MT) as a recent extension of Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy with several important new features, such as being integrative, empirical, and positive. With meaning as a holistic, central construct, MT is inherently...

From Attunement to a Meaning-Centered Good Life

From Attunement to a Meaning-Centered Good Life

Happiness: A Very Short Introduction By Daniel M. Haybron Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2013. 168 pp. ISBN 978-0199590605 $11.95 Reviewed by Paul T. P. Wong This small book is a real gem, sparkling with brilliant insights. I have always enjoyed philosophers’...


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