Meaning Therapy

Dr. Paul Wong
How Do I Overcome Adversity?

How Do I Overcome Adversity?

.The most powerful force you can control is your own outlook on life. Therefore, you must equip yourself with the right attitude or mindset. As Kahlil Gibran has said, “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you, as by the attitude you bring to...

Meaning Therapy and the Toronto Van Attack

Meaning Therapy and the Toronto Van Attack

President's Column for the Positive Living Newsletter (May 2018). Read the rest of the newsletter here. On May 6, I did a one-hour interview at the Fairchild TV Studio in Richmond Hill, Ontario, for their program Leisure Talk (大城小聚), which features special guests...

Paul T. P. Wong’s Contribution to Existential Therapy

Paul T. P. Wong’s Contribution to Existential Therapy

Meaning therapy (MT; Wong, 2010, 2016) is also known as meaning-centered counseling and therapy (MCCT). It is based on Frankl’s logotherapy, but is extended to integrate with cognitive-behavioral therapy and positive psychotherapy. Thus, it is a pluralistic approach...

International Psychology and I: A Reflection

International Psychology and I: A Reflection

My birth and historical and cultural background as a Chinese combined with my higher education and academic career as a Canadian have destined me to be an international psychologist. Since my days as a graduate student, all that is within me has recoiled from...

How to Measure Existential Meaning

How to Measure Existential Meaning

Note This is a manuscript review of the paper published as George, L. S., & Park, C. L. (2016). The Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale: A tripartite approach to measuring meaning in life. The Journal of Positive Psychology. Advance online publication....

The Deep-and-Wide Hypothesis in Giftedness and Creativity

The Deep-and-Wide Hypothesis in Giftedness and Creativity

Authors Co-authored with Piers Worth, Ph.D., Bucks New University, London, UK.Abstract This paper provides empirical findings from four different sources that lend credence to the deep-and-wide (DAW) hypothesis (Wong, 2012) in accounting for giftedness and creativity....


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