Baby, Don’t Cry (A Poem)

Baby, Don’t Cry (A Poem)

Baby don’t cry, Mommy will hold you time. The worse is gone, The worse may still come. We’ll get by, you and...
Salute to Men on a Mission (A Poem)

Salute to Men on a Mission (A Poem)

To be or not to be, That’s not the question. For what we live and die, That’s the real test. You rise to the occasion, To answer the call of a nation. Your life a living sacrifice and Death will be your finest hour. In a supreme act of courage, You walk into the bowel...
To Japan With Love (A Poem)

To Japan With Love (A Poem)

I could have come and gone Like a cloud far above the ground, But I would rather be a river flowing With a thousand years of tears. Suddenly they are gone and never Will they see cherry blossoms again. When there is nothing left, Hope, love and faith still abide. Just...
Starting Over (A Poem)

Starting Over (A Poem)

Starting over Shovel by shovel Bring back the memories Bring back the dreams Rebuild my sweet...
Return of Spring (A Poem)

Return of Spring (A Poem)

The cherry trees are budding Their blossoms will be falling When the swallows return Will they find their...