Meaning Therapy for the Rich But Miserable People

Meaning Therapy for the Rich But Miserable People

I have worked with several rich, successful, but unhappy clients. They include CEOs, medical doctors, lawyers, movie stars, and consultants. My meaning-focused therapy has worked well with them because it is based on the new science of finding happiness through...
New Year’s Resolutions: Four Proven Ways to Make Them Stick

New Year’s Resolutions: Four Proven Ways to Make Them Stick

In this holiday season, life can be very stressful for many people. It can be due to too many festive activities or the awkward moments during family gatherings. It can also be due to the painful loneliness of spending Christmas and a new year alone and grieving the...
My Swan Song for the Next Generation

My Swan Song for the Next Generation

I came with a loud cry,I’ve struggled to achieve my dreams,Broken and bruised, but still striving.When my time comes to join all my loved ones,I’ll be ready to die with contentment and a smile. That is the human life—so fragile and brief,Let’s think of how to make the...
Coda: My Swan Song

Coda: My Swan Song

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong’s autobiography, A Lifelong Search for Meaning: Lessons on Virtue, Grit, and Faith, is published in weekly installments. Stay updated here. Writing my autobiography has been a long journey–it started in 2012 and completed in 2019. It was also a...