Featured Member: Luis A. Marrero

Featured Member: Luis A. Marrero

Submitted by Luis A. Marrero for the Positive Living Newsletter (September 2016). Read the rest of the newsletter here. It has been a tradition of this newsletter to feature INPM members in order to make them known to others, and to reinforce the bonds of friendship...
Featured Member: Luis A. Marrero

Peak Experience: When Flow Gains Meaning

Submitted by Lia Naor, PhD Candidate at the Department for Counseling and Human Development, University of Haifa, for the Positive Living Newsletter (September 2016). Read the rest of the newsletter here. On a daily basis, human beings have a large array of...
Featured Member: Luis A. Marrero

Conversation, Connection, and Co-creation: Appreciative Inquiry

Submitted by Robyn Stratton-Berkessel for the Positive Living Newsletter (July 2016). Read the rest of the newsletter here. I’m honored and excited to be offering a workshop at the 9th Biennial International Meaning Conference in Toronto, Canada, July 28-31, 2016. The...
Featured Member: Luis A. Marrero

Meaningful Life Stories

Submitted by Niki Glanz, Ed.D., INPM Member for the Positive Living Newsletter (July 2016). Read the rest of the newsletter here. Previous Positive Living Newsletter issues greeted us with several meaningful life stories, describing fellow members’ searches for...