Meaningful Life Stories

Meaningful Life Stories

Submitted by Niki Glanz, Ed.D., INPM Member for the Positive Living Newsletter (July 2016). Read the rest of the newsletter here. Previous Positive Living Newsletter issues greeted us with several meaningful life stories, describing fellow members’ searches for...
The INPM Journal: A New Name for a New Game

The INPM Journal: A New Name for a New Game

Submitted by Gordon Medlock, INPM Board Member for the Positive Living Newsletter (July 2016). Read the rest of the newsletter here.   VOTE CLOSED. We the board members of INPM want your ideas and votes regarding the best new name for the INPM journal. As most of...
A Very Thin Line (A Published Poem)

A Very Thin Line (A Published Poem)

Published as Wong, P. T. P. (2016). A very thin line. In L. Hoffman & S. Fehl (Eds.), Journey of the wounded soul: Poetic companions for spiritual struggles (pp. 42-43). Colorado Springs, CO: University Professors Press. Written on Easter Sunday, March 27,...